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About our foodbank
Here is an introduction to our project.
Who we are:
Peeblesshire Foodbank works with Trussell Trust to help those in extreme need by providing emergency food parcels. We cover the whole of Peeblesshire; Peebles, Innerleithen and Walkerburn, but also rural parts up to West Linton and Tweedsmuir. Our trustees and staff are all volunteers drawn from the local community.
Food is donated by members of the public via collection points at Peebles Tesco , Peebles Sainsbury’s, Innerleithen Coop, local Churches, and by individual donations. Also, at certain times of the year, we benefit from special collections organised by schools and other organisations.
What we do:
Our warehouse is at the County Buildings, Rosetta Road, Peebles where volunteers sort and stack the food and make up nutritionally balanced food parcels, designed to last the recipient for three days.
Recipients have to be referred to the Foodbank by an agency such as Peebles Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB), Social Work, Doctors, Schools, Churches and many other statutory or voluntary bodies. Volunteers then deliver the food parcels to the recipients home.